I have the Happiness Project site as a permanent link on this blog and I get the daily emails to inspire and challenge me about my own happiness.
Since Chicago is basically closed down today due to the snow storm, it got me thinking about sledding, ice skating and hot chocolate and those days, as a 10 year old kid, when the words, "SNOW DAY" meant no school and lots of fun outside.
Here is a picture of Lake Michigan from yesterday; the part you cannot see is the lake. The power of nature is very humbling.
I have my gloves, hats, scarf, boots and coat...now just need to find a hill in the very flat Chicago area that is ready for sledding. or maybe I will go to Winnetka, IL (a northern suburb of Chicago) and go ice skating on their town rink. Hot chocolate is provided. Or maybe, making a snow angel will just be enough...
Have a Violet's Day today - be a 10 year old. Share what you did with the rest of us...so we can be inspired by you.
I am shuttering with just pictures I cannot imagine that sort of weather though today (here in south texas) it's in the low 30's which is UN-HEARD-OF! Enjoy the weather and stay warm!